Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So there I was...Carrying a Friend

So there I was holding onto my friends feet and dragging her into the Womens Restroom. (Pointer #1-When carrying a friend, don't drop her because she'll threaten you and start chasing you....hehehe.....) Well, we got into the bathroom (four of us girls) and started talking. After awhile my friend decided to go the bathroom, but after she had gone I told her it sometimes didn't flush! (OOPS! Pointer #2- When a bathroom doesn't work right, warn your friends BEFORE they find that out for themselves.....) Well, we decided to be helpers and lock the door from the inside so that no one else would have to go through that torment. EXCEPT we couldn't lock it from the outside. So we sent our friend to climb over the stall to lock it and then get back out (same friend that we carryed in there!). Well, she got halfway and we were able to lock it from the outside. (Pointer #3-When you're making a run for it from one of your friends who are threatening you, find a GOOD hiding place!) Well, we left her, on top of the stall, halkfway in between and we ran for it. Except she found us because all we did was hide behind a coat, while standing! All in all, this is better left to the experts............